A Pomodoro Timer with social features to improve your productivity and accountability

What is PomoFriends?

PomoFriends is a productivity app inspired by Pomodoro Technique which is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo. PomoFriends aims to harbor a healthy and productive environment and encourage accountability amongst its users through social features that other Pomodoro apps do not have. By implementing aspects like messaging and task sharing, PomoFriends can help users be accountable, especially when done in a group.

With PomoFriends, users can create groups, invite friends or peers, list their tasks, set their timer as a group, and begin their timer. Furthermore, users in a group can message each other and see the activity of every participant. Through these functions and more, PomoFriends can add another level of productivity by incorporating accountability with its users.

What is Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method where a person sets a timer for a specified period - traditionally 25 minutes - and focuses on a single task during this timer. Once the 25 minutes are over, a 5-minute break occurs, and then the Pomodoro Technique repeats. Several studies have proven that the Pomodoro Technique helps increase productivity and encourages people to complete tasks without any distractions by having them focus on the task at hand.

How to use PomoFriends?

1. Join/Create a group or work by yourself

2. Add tasks for your Pomodoro session

3. Select a task to work on

4. Start Pomodoro and focus on the task

5. Take a break

6. Repeat 3-5